Detroit Police Officers Got In All Out Turf War Like A Scene Out Of Super Troopers

Fox 2 Detroit  - An internal investigation has been launched at the Detroit Police Department after two different precincts got into a turf war as they converged on an east side neighborhood.

Neighbors who live on Andover on Detroit’s east side will be the first to tell you this area is known for constant drug activity.

“Definitely a drug problem in our neighbor for years,” said one resident, ” but I don’t think anyone can stop it.”

On Thursday Detroit police certainly tried — but maybe too hard.

Sources say it started when two special ops officers from the 12th Precinct were operating a “push off” on Andover near Seven Mile. That is when two undercover officers pretend to be dope dealers, waiting for eager customers to approach, and then arrest potential buyers and seize their vehicles.

But this time, instead of customers, special ops officers from the 11th Precinct showed up. Not realizing they were fellow officers, they ordered the other undercover officers to the ground.

FOX 2 is told the rest of the special ops team from the 12th Precinct showed up, and officers began raiding a house in the 19300 block of Andover. But instead of fighting crime, officers from both precincts began fighting with each other.

Sources say guns were drawn and punches were thrown while the homeowner stood and watched.


This is fantastic stuff. Straight out of Super Troopers when the highway patrol and the local cops racing to be first to every case, and then getting drunk and fighting each other

However, this didn’t happen in a movie, this happened in the projects of Detroit when one precinct didn’t know the other was going under cover for a drug bust. So when one group of officers was trying to arrest drug dealers, another group was trying to arrest the officers…until a 3rd group came and tried to fist fight the officers trying to arrest the officers! [deep exhale]

All the while, the best part is this:

Sources say guns were drawn and punches were thrown while the homeowner stood and watched.

Laugh. Out. Loud. Funny.

The people who were about to get busted for drugs just standing outside their house, watching all the cops drawing guns on themselves. I bet so much product got flushed down the toilets or ran out the back door while the cops were wailing on each other, all trying to arrest each other for trying to arrest drug dealers.

I bet the night ended with all the cops dusting themselves off and heading over to the diner for some pancakes…..where there was another fight!


h/t Logan

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