You Can Get Into The Final Playboy Mansion Party For A Mere $3500

TMZ - The final Playboy Mansion bash honoring Hugh Hefner is going down this weekend, and although it’s supposed to be invitation-only — there’s a way you can get in … but for a VERY hefty price.

The event’s been labeled a celebration of life, and it’s set for Sunday from 10am to 2pm. Remember, Sunday Funday was always a big tradition for Hef back in his partying days, so it’s a fitting send off.

Leave it to ticket scalpers to key in on that … because tickets have started popping up online. The highest price we found was $3500 a pop. No word on who got real deal invitations, but we’re told it’s supposed to be mostly close friends and family. Plus whoever throws down thousands on the black market.


This is pretty sad. The end of an era. The last and final Playboy Mansion party, this one honoring Hef and his amazing life. There aren’t too many humans that walk this here Earth that have the type of impact Hef had. He took pornography, something everyone loves, and brought it to the mainstream. I mean, think about it- back in the day of Leave It To Beaver and I Love Lucy and all that Pleasantville shit, you would barely even see a man and a woman kiss. So what did Hef do? He built a god damn mansion, populated it with the world’s hottest women, and took pictures of them without their clothes on for all the world to see. When the haters and losers were trying to bring his empire down, all he did was hire more models, take more pictures, and build more grottos (kinda like Barstool but without literally everything that makes Playboy cool).

Wait, real quick, how cool are grottos?

Just an underground pool cave where playmates would go to fuck. Unreal.

But I digress, Hef is a revolutionary. One of a kind, and way before his time. And now some punk kid, the heir to Pabst, is taking over the mansion, so they are honoring the Godfather one last time. $3500 is a cheap, cheap price to step on those hallowed grounds in Hef’s honor. If I put my money into Bitcoin in 2013 like I should have, I would be there. There will never be anyone like Hef, or a place like the Mansion, ever again.


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