Is The New York Times Leading Their Barstool Article Off With A Picture Of Francis Lifting Weights In The Office The Most Francis Thing Ever?

So the New York Times did a long ass profile on us that they’ve been working on for like 8 months at this point.  I’ll leave the Official Barstool Thoughts on it to Dave later on.  I thought it was fine.  I mean that’s about as fair as you’re going to get from the New York Times especially while you’re in the middle of a shit storm of controversy.  Honestly I was expecting much worse so whatever.   Dave’s gotta be happy with his “drunk tan Zuckerberg” comparison:

While Dan’s going to be pissed about this libelous assault on his brand:

But other than that it was whatever.

That main picture though…

I don’t think a single picture has ever summed up someone’s personal brand and character more.  Francis lifting weights while the rest of us work.  So perfect.

A Times photographer was in here for 6 hours one day taking pictures of literally every single moment of the day, and as soon as those arms extended and that bar went over that head, I KNEW it would the main feature.

You gotta hand it to these journalists – they know the story they want to tell and they know exactly how to frame it.

Fucking Francis.

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