Good Morning: Frankie Borrelli Hates It When People Tell Him Good Morning

This is one of the more shocking things that I’ve read in a long time. Frankie is usually a chipper fella when I see him in the morning. He’s got a good attitude, strong work ethic, and a charm that cannot be denied. Handsome to boot. He’s loved by both co-workers and casual passersby. Deep inside his lovely demeanor is something ugly. That ugliness is a hatred for those who wish him well via morning salutations. Unfortunate.

I would have thought that Frank loved being told Good Morning. I would have thought that Frank was a HUGE Good Morning guy. Apparently, our young pal would prefer to saunter onto the train with a melancholy dismissiveness to the train and its conductors. I would have thought that Frank would have had a whistle in his walk, a hitch in his giddyup, some pep in his steps. I would have thought that Frank is the type of guy who goes to the cafe car and buys a round of mud for his whole section.

Makes me think. It makes me really wonder what type of alarm clock that Frank is waking up to. My pal must wake up on the wrong side of the bed. He probably wakes up to the stock alarm clock siren. Cant have that. Frank, if you are reading this…but not only Frank but all of you Grumpy Guses, maybe switch your alarm clock noise to Smooth by Emmy award-winning artist Carlos Santana featuring Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20. If you do that, you’ll be a Good Morning Guy before you know it.

Good morning.

Dont hate this move either.

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