Super Chill Surfer Bro Gets Absolutely Destroyed By The Largest Wave I've Ever Seen

I don’t care what anyone says, surfers are the most bad ass athletes on the planet. Anyone who decides to willingly compete against Mother Nature rather than another human is tapped. I could never do it. I was down the Cape this summer and got caught in a riptide for like ten seconds and seriously considered giving up. It’s not the getting knocked out that I have an issue with, it’s the drowning after the fact. I’d rather hop in a ring with Butterbean than try to surf a big wave. At least that way I know when the end is coming. Andrew got sucker punched by that thing.  Thought he was getting ready to carve up an A-frame and shoot the barrel and the next thing you know he’s getting rag dolled across the beach. He tells the story so casually. Just laying in his hospital bed, jogging his memory for details of his near-death experience until the nurse cuts him short for bath time.

Can’t wait to get in the water and do it all over again! All he has to do is wait for his spine to naturally fuse itself back together. I got caught in a big wave wipe out hole on YouTube hole and it proves everything I just said. Big waves, not for me.

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