Do You Know Anyone Who Wants To Run The Chicago Marathon? Because Barstool Chicago Is Teaming Up The Team Sweetness Charity To Help Raise Money





So Team Sweetness approached me last week about teaming up with them to help raise some money for their Team Sweetnees Marathon Team. Absolute no-brainer. Great group that works with kids across Chicago and the Suburbs.


Now as for the marathon they have 32 spots designated for runners in this fall’s race. No you probably aren’t going to run because you’re lazy like me, but you probably know someone who is, and they know how hard it is to register. So why not team up with Barstool and Team Sweetness for a great cause and get registered all at once.



If you aren’t running you can still donate. All sign ups and donations can be done through here TEAMSWEETNESS.COM



Also if you do register Team Sweetness has a ton of awesome partnerships. Giving away White Sox tickets, Bears tickets, social events, free training programs and merchandise discounts from Fleet Feet.



So like I said, the crux of it is this. It’s become exceedingly difficult to get a spot in the marathon. You know someone who wants to run, why not do it through Team Sweetness, raise some money and help a great cause our community. No brainer.


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