Here's My Girl Hope Hicks Looking Blazing Hot..... In A Tuxedo!?

You know what they say — get yourself a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed… and who rocks a tuxedo in Japan! I never knew I liked chicks in tuxedos until I just saw Hope Hicks in a tuxedo like 8 seconds ago. Full disclosure I didn’t even know chicks wore tuxedos. Do they? Is that a thing or did Hope just make that up? Is she a visionary? A trend setter? The Steve Jobs of women’s fashion: give the people something they didn’t even know they wanted.

10 minutes ago, I didn’t know I wanted my girl in a tuxedo. Couldn’t even fathom it. Now? Well now if you can’t look blazing hot in a tuxedo are you even hot? I’ve got an assortment of weird feelings flowing through my body looking at this picture but one rises above the rest: Love.

If you can scorch the earth rocking the most masculine outfit known to man, imagine what you can do with effeminate ones? Hope’s playing chess while every other woman’s playing checkers. Directing the shit out of White House communications by day, reinventing fashion by night.

What a woman. Play her damn music.

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