Yasiel Puig Isn't Worried About Getting Robbed Because He Has "Too Much Fucking Money" In His Life

The only thing that Yasiel Puig loves more than flipping his bat is getting robbed. Guy loves it! Quite simply cannot get enough of it. He loves it so much that he obviously refuses to hire security and probably doesn’t even lock his doors at night. Back in March, he was part of a series of celebrity burglaries in LA and had more than $500,000 worth of jewelry stolen from his house.

Quite poetically, Puig finished off the 2017 season the same way he started it, and that was by getting robbed. The night that the Dodgers lost Game 7 of the World Series, Puig came home to find that his house had been broken into and shit had been stolen once again. Thaaaaat SUCKS. Imagine suffering the worst loss of your life, especially after the comeback story that Puig had personally — getting demoted last year to having the third best OPS for the Dodgers in the postseason — and then coming home after a crushing defeat to find that your house had been burglarized. AGAIN.

That would piss most people off, perhaps even break some people at the core of their soul, but Puig don’t give a FUCK. Oh, you robbed my house again? I have too much fuckin’ money in my life. I don’t worry about that shit. You wanna rob me? Then rob me. I have too much money to worry about people rummaging through my things, taking my personal belongings and doing God knows what to my private property. Can’t see the felonies through the dollar signs.

He definitely backs up the too much money in his life to worry about the burglaries because the second one happened at a different house than the first one. Too much money, too many houses. It’s everyday, bro.

By the way, Puig “only” made $6.5 million in 2017 and is set to make just $7.5 million in 2018. There are seven players on his own team that are set to make more money than him next year. You wanna talk “too much money” to give a fuck? That’d be Clayton Kershaw, who’s making $35,571,429 in 2018 alone. Puig’s contract with the Dodgers pays him $42 million total over seven years.

Best part of the video, though — Puig has the same laugh as Rick James.

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