Update On Don Baylor's Leg - Broken Femur




So in case you missed it Don Baylor broke his leg last night on a nasty 9-5 change up from Vlad Guerrero and this morning we learn it was a broken femur. Couple things going on here that probably should be addressed


1) Trying to walk off a broken Femur is an absolute warrior move. I can’t even imagine what I would do in that situation. I’d probably just lay there crying and force the Angels to get the cart for me. I know for a fact I would not try to walk it off like Don Baylor did. Tough as tough gets.


2) I guess Don Baylor is a Myeloma Cancer survivor. Now whether that is why he broke his femur I have no clue because I’m not a doctor. Obviously that takes a lot of the fun out of the situation and clearly I had no idea about Don Baylor’s medical history because I’m not exactly always keeping up on my Don Baylor news. If I had known that would I have still posted the video? Yes, but obviously I would have put a note in there.


3) All the people today who didn’t see it happen live last night and woke up to seeing it with the after the fact knowledge of Don Baylor’s cancer can fuck off. Nothing worse than people playing holier than thou a day after the story happens. Don’t pretend that you wouldn’t have laughed because you now have the whole story, that makes you an asshole.



Hope Don Baylor has a speedy recovery and that this is an isolated incident and not his cancer coming back.




Not going to lie, seeing Vladdy Daddy made me all kinds of nostalgic. Such a beloved player by basically every baseball fan everywhere. Swung at everything, CANNON for an arm.

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