This Woman Who Tattooed Her Dog's MASSIVE Paw Prints On Her Boobs Is Annoyed That People Call Her "Paw Tits"

Metro- Newfoundland Max had just turned eight which is the average life expectancy for his breed, and Adele wanted a permanent reminder of her furry friend, ready for when the inevitable happened.

Then student Adele popped along to a local tattoo studio in her hometown of Leicester clutching an image of a paw print she’d printed off the internet, along with a tracing of Max’s giant paw print.

‘I went to university in Portsmouth where everyone noticed my tattoo, which I loved,’ she recalls. ‘I was in the buzz of freshers, always getting my boobs out and showing my tattoos off. I guess it became my “thing”.’

But her feeling of elation only lasted a year, when people started making snide remarks. ‘I started getting negative comments and being called names like “Paw Tits”. They were the first thing that everyone noticed,’ Adele says.

‘Everything became about my boobs and the tattoos, and not about me.

‘I’m sure that’s why I haven’t had many relationships lasting for more than a month in 10 years,’ she reveals. ‘Blokes get the wrong idea about me. They think I’m easy which is not what I am like at all.’

When I read this story, my initial reaction was that it was fake. There’s just no way this lady could possibly complain that “everything became about my boobs” when her “thing” was “getting my boobs out and showing my tattoos off.” If my “thing” was taking my butthole out and showing everyone the spider tattoo I had crawling in, and then I became known as spider-ass, I’d be an asshole for complaining about it. What did you expect when you tattooed those enormous puppy paws on your boobs? That people would say “sorry for your loss” and pat you on the back? No. You’re doggie boobs and that’s a fact.

Look at this ridiculous face:

Is it too soon to call this puppy dog face? Adele needs to throw on some Adele and get over herself. You can’t tattoo two enormous paw prints on your boobs, pull them out for everyone to enjoy, and then get mad at people for making you the paw-boobs girl. That’s the way an idiot thinks. Don’t be an idiot, Adele.

Adele has now started laser treatment at the skin clinic in Leicester, which uses the technique to remove 20,000 tattoos every year.

Hooray. Good for her. But a lesson for you dog owners out there: if you’re going to immortalize your deceased pet with a tattoo, don’t make it about your boobs. That’s selfish.

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