Flashing Your Tits For Free Tacos, A Tradition As Old As Time Itself

via Denver Post

You know Bitcoin? The internet currency I’ve been blogging about for 3 years? The thing I said I was “all in” on when it was at $200/Bitcoin? Well, today it’s over $6500 per Bitcoin, with no signs of slowing down.

It just ain’t right man. I should be a millionaire right now. I should be buying Dave’s Nantucket house and turning it into my ping pong room. But yet here I am, schlepping away at my desk, sitting 10 feet from a moldy frog tank and a pile of sweaty worn shirts that more likely than not have either been pissed or puked on.

So I say all that to say if you don’t have Bitcoin, you’re very lucky if you have tits (guys and girls, this is not gender exclusive). Tits are the great equalizer. If you have them, flaunt them. Present them loud, and present them proud. The world revolves around them. There’s very little that they can’t do. Remember Helen of Troy? She was so hot she launched 100 ships into war. So I can’t sit here and respectably tell you that flashing for tacos isn’t a good plan. There’s always someone, somewhere, who will simply tip their cap to a lady bearing it all in the name of free tacos.

Why did this blog start with Bitcoin, you might be wondering. Well for one, because I’m mad at myself for never getting into it when it was affordable, and two, because I made that sweet transition to Bitcoin to tits, two things I know nothing about and never will.

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