WhatsApp Is Rolling Out A Feature That Lets You Unsend Embarrassing Messages You Might've Sent

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Daily Mail- Most of us have sent at least one text or image we later wished we could take back. And thanks to WhatsApp’s latest update, that wish has now become a reality. WhatsApp has introduced a new ‘delete for everyone’ feature, allowing users to unsend an embarrassing message within seven minutes of sending it. The feature is currently rolling out to users on Android and iOS, although it is unclear how widespread and quickly the launch will take place. WhatsApp has updated its FAQs page to explain the new feature. The FAQ page says: ‘Deleting messages for everyone allows you to delete specific messages you have sent to either a group or an individual chat. ‘This is particularly useful if you sent a message to the wrong chat or if the message you sent contains a mistake.’ To delete a message, open WhatsApp and go to the chat containing the message you want to delete. Tap and hold the message, then choose Delete from the menu. Tap ‘Delete for everyone’ and the message will disappear.


Finally! I love it. Awesome idea. The only problem is I don’t know WhatsApp is. I don’t think anyone knows what WhatsApp is. I’ve heard of it. I just don’t know what it is or who uses it. I love the idea though. Every messaging service and email service needs to adopt this feature. The sooner iMessage and Yahoo Mail add this feature the easier my life will be. Drunken texts happen. That’s reallywhat this is for. That’s actually how WhatsApp should market this feature so people. That’s a great way to get WhatsApp into the mainstream. “Hey come use our messaging app. It allows you to take back those drunk texts where you told your ex-girlfriend you still love her and miss having sex with her on a regular basis.” They’d be the most downloaded app in the history of ever. Or if they were trying to appeal to me as a user they would say, “You can delete all of those texts where you simply sent ‘Hey’ to a girl at 4am.” It’s kinda crazy that every messaging app doesn’t have this already.

The flip side of this is that you maybe should have to wear your mistakes. That’s how I feel about Twitter adding an edit button. I never want that to happen and I’m gonna be mad if Twitter ever caves. You make a mistake in a tweet, you gotta live with it or delete it like a coward. I feel the opposite about texts. I need that peace of mind. I don’t care if it’s cowardly. Those need to be banished from Earth forever.

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