Trump Says "I Went To An Ivy League School" Like A Boss When A Reporter Asks Him If He Should Be More Civil

Man. This guy just gets it. Dropping the Ivy league credentials in response to a question that has nothing to do with where he went to college. That’s how you play the game. Oh, you want to ask me a passive-aggressive question about my manners? Fuck you, I went to an Ivy league school. Power moves for days. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to care so little about the opinions of others that you could just drop these bombs in their face with no regard for human life?

“Francis, you’re an asshole for not texting my sister happy birthday.”

“I went to an Ivy league school.”


“Francis, you’re a jerk for taking me to a thai restaurant when you know I have a peanut allergy.”

“I went to an Ivy league school.”


“Francis, I can’t believe you have an erection during my father’s funeral.”

“I went to an Ivy league school.”

Boom, roasted, Ivy League style. What a world that would be. So liberating. I’d carry my diploma around under my arm and point to it like a scoreboard. And to those of you who are currently grinding your teeth reading this, seething because you don’t like me, and ESPECIALLY hate when I remind you that I went to Harvard… you better check your voting history. Chances are, a lot of you haters voted for Trump. And I’m following the leader!

Ivy League grads rule! Other college grads drool!

PS- I can’t live this way.

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