Is This A Funny Video Of A Kid Chasing His Homework Getting Blown Away Or The Worst Laugh Ever Recorded?


And it’s a damn shame too. That video should go super viral because everything was set up perfect. The papers were scattered all over the place, the wind was howling like a Winter Sunday in the Meadowlands, that kid was the perfect amount of clumsy, he was clearly TERRIFIED of losing his homework, AND the camera was horizontal! All systems were go for a great viral video. But that howling banshee laugh is something you cannot escape. It’s like putting too much salt on your popcorn or liquor in your cocktail. No matter how badly you want to enjoy it, the fact is you can’t escape that background noise slapping your right in the face.

Luckily I’m a solutions type of guy. Not quite Winston Wolf or anything. But I think the video is much more enjoyable with a slight tweak. And while it isn’t the most original concept, sometimes you need to just go back to the basics when it comes to a funny video.

Muchhhh better

Not gonna lie everyone, it’s a pretty slow morning. But videos of kids getting into a pickle, Yakety Sax, and this gif always make me happy.

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