WhiteSoxDave Is Running The Chicago Marathon Tomorrow And I Have Never Been More Proud

I’m blogging this because WhiteSoxDave deserves it. The biggest asshole in this city is running the Chicago Marathon and I’m asking you to give some respect.

Dave is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. As a business partner, a blogger, a division 3 bullpen catcher…. the guy admittedly has his weaknesses. The comment section loves to remind him and that basically gets to the reason I’m putting this out there. You honestly have no idea how crazy this is to me that David Williams has worked his ass off to run 26.2 miles tomorrow.


Seriously though I’ve spent so much time with Dave since we started Red Line Radio in January and he has been legitimately sober every step of the way for this race. Every time I offer him a beer, which is quite frequent, he has said “not till I finish this fucking marathon.” Imagine the shit I was giving him in FEBRUARY much less August. And all along the way this dude has been relentless about his commitment to running his marathon for charity, and doing it in the fastest time imaginable. A guy who consistently loses his debit card, carries a BMI north of what anyone would be willing to admit with self-respect, and honestly cannot keep his attention for longer than 8 seconds… that’s the guy who has transformed himself into Hacksaw Ridge when it comes to long distance running.

Dave deserves your respect. This accomplishment deserves your respect. As such, we will be celebrating accordingly tomorrow at Declan’s in Old Town following the race. We will be getting loaded and hopefully carrying Dave home after the race because he has earned it.

I may hate his fucking guts on a regular basis, but I have never been more proud of a good buddy. I’m lucky to have him in my corner. Tonight belongs to the Cubs, but tomorrow morning is property of WhiteSoxDave. Wish him good luck on twitter and see you filthy animals at Declans.

PS – Over/Under 4:25 for his official time?

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