This Girl's Post Malone Costume Is So Good She Might Actually Be Post Malone

Am I crazy or has Post Malone been the hottest thing in the streets since I discovered him 4 weeks ago? Everywhere you turn, there’s Post Malone being the coolest, most popular person in the world. Hoodie Allen was on KFC Radio this week and he listed the people in the world who seemingly could do no wrong. The list consisted of one person and that person was Post Malone. Not Larry David. Post Malone. I discovered him and he instantly dropped the hottest track of the year with 21 Savage. Now people are planning on dressing up as him for Halloween. Thats when you know you’ve made it. When people start dressing up as you for Halloween that’s when you know you’ve elevated yourself into rarified air. However, this girl who may or may not actually be Post Malone. Show the pictures above to people and 99.9% of them would say they’re all the same person. I honestly think you could show those pictures to Post Malone and he’d be like, “Okay so why are you showing me pictures of myself right now?” That’s how convincing her costume is. She could perform at a Post Malone concert and nothing would miss a beat. Maybe she has. We can’t know. A+++++ costume.

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