This Hare Should Be ASHAMED After Actually Losing A Race To A Tortoise

For years, hares have had to deal with being on the losing end of one of the biggest upsets in modern history. Ever since that first hare lost to a tortoise however long ago, nobody has taken them seriously. It’s the type of upset that is almost impossible to come back from. But as fate would have it, hares finally got the rematch they’ve been so desperate for. Finally, a chance to put all that tortoise vs the hare bullshit to rest. All this guy had to do was smoke the tortoise and he would rewrite history forever. No more would the hare be the biggest choker in the animal kingdom.

Even after losing the first match, the hare was still the clear favorite here. Thing could have just walked at a slightly below casual pace and still crossed the line a few seconds before the tortoise. But for some god forsaken reason, the hare made the SAME GOSH DARN HECKIN’ MISTAKE as the one from the fable. It’s unbelievable. This hare had a chance to right his fellow hare’s wrong. Had a chance to finally put the hare name back in good graces. People say they’re lazy. People say they’re nothing but a bunch of show-off’s. People have been counting out hares for years because of that one stupid blunder. And the first chance they have to change the narrative, they go ahead and do the same damn thing. Just stop mid-race without a care in the world. They’re selfish creatures, I’ll tell you that much. Selfish creatures who would rather coast for themselves than exert a little energy for the betterment of their entire species. Definitely couldn’t be hockey players with that type of attitude.

P.S. – Shoutout to Asians for always knowing how to throw together the best events.


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