Torrey Smith's Toddler's Portrait Of Carson Wentz Is A Thing Of True, And Accurate Beauty

Move over, Mona Lisa ya bitch! Torrey Smith’s kid just cucked you for prime real estate in the Louvre (you don’t even want to know my first try to spell that damn French museum…or the following 8 attempts). It’s good to see at least someone has steady hands in the family. Good for Torrey Smith’s toddler for bringing his artistic vision to life. You shouldn’t sleep on Blount’s dreads, but that drawing of Carson Wentz is scary accurate. Please observe Exhibits A, 2, and D:

Spot. On. Portrait. Well done, Smith. Sidenote: Our Lord And Savior Ginger Jesus is still an empty bottle of SPF 4000 away from bursting into flames. Somebody in an intern to carry an umbrella above him at all times if/when he carelessly chooses to go outside sans shirt. In his name we pray, Amen. And buy a shirt here. It’s what God wants.

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