Western Michigan University Students Protest The School Changing "Goofball" Buster The Bronco Mascot To Be More "Lean and Athletic"

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KALAMAZOO, MI - Born in 1988, Western Michigan mascot Buster Bronco has reached the average life expectancy of his hoofed likeness.

So for his 29th birthday, Buster got a makeover, and the revamped mascot was revealed before WMU’s football home opener Saturday at Waldo Stadium before the team’s game against Idaho.

The new Buster features a trimmed down body and a a streamlined head, which is similar to the modern look of the Broncos logo.

CHANGE.ORGBuster Bronco is an icon. A fun loving WMU goofball. At the sidelines of a football or basketball game, or out in the community, Buster is Kalamazoo’s favorite mascot. But Western Michigan University has changed him, “updated” him to be more lean and athletic. In the process, we’ve lost the very heart and soul of who Buster is. What is wrong with the Buster we’ve had? He’s classic and has a unique look for the university that’s been around for years. 

Let’s bring the Buster we know and love back.

Fight on fight on for Buster!

You vs. the Buster The Bronco she tells you not to worry about:

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Fuckkkk this.  Lot of protests going on across the country right now, but if there’s one cause that I can fully get behind, it’s the fight for Buster the Bronco.  If I could encourage college students to pick up their poster boards scrawled on with black Sharpies for one thing and one thing only, it would be the travesty going on in Kalamazoo right now.  The desecration of an idol.

Look at this lovable doofus!

Just a happy go lucky stoner.

And he doesn’t just mess around with the green, if you know what I’m saying.  Sometimes he likes to really party.

Replaced by…who?  This jacked up loser?  This roided up asshole?

I mean his reveal was a workout video.

He’s the guy who does chest and arms for an hour while drinking a MetRx shake out of a blender bottle hitting on your girlfriend.  Fuck that Buster the Bronco.   Fuck him and his jacked tris and bulky thighs and streamlined head.

This isn’t just about a mascot in west Michigan.  It’s about a fight for the soul of America.  It’s about societal pressures and body norms.  A mascot should be fun and lovable not perpetuating harmful body image messages.  It’s 2017,  the dad bod is in. Bring Buster’s chubby, lazy, high ass back.

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