Now Playing: The Leg Cramp From Hell

There is nothing worse than a bad leg cramp in the middle of the night to wake you up from a nice sound sleep. Well actually waking up with a leg cramp in the middle of the night and having someone tell you to stand up on it, drink more water, eat a banana, yada yada yada as all you can think of is how your leg feels like it is getting train run on it by The Hound and The Mountain is worse. But at this point I guess we are just splitting hairs. To see this little batch of misery play out in front of my eyes ripped me right out of my safe space on the internet and placed me directly into freak mode. That guy’s calf goes from looking like a dumpling to looking like a face to looking like a crushed soda can during that aftershock cramp. I’m not a doctor but I think you should start perusing WebMD for some answers (Hint: It’s always cancer) if your cramps become a Rorschach test. This video was like seeing that picture of the cyclist’s legs in the Tour de France but on steroids (insert Lance Amrstrong joke here).

Ans yes, there is a decent chance that this isn’t a leg cramp. This sorry son of a bitch may have gone swimming at the Jersey shore and came away with some sort of disease or alien living inside his leg. If LeBron’s body looked like that during the infamous Spurs cramp game, I feel like even his archnemesis and my coworker would have had a tough time nitpicking him for sitting out that huge important chunk of that game. That’s why I am not going to get on this guy for crying like a little bitch. We’ve all been there before and will hopefully never be there again.

On a completely related note, the August Blogging Blues are halfway over. Some of you may miss the cramp days of summer. Okay, probably not.

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