This Video Of Dave Chappelle Hanging Out With Dylan From Making The Band Just Made My Day

What are the Top 5 videos you will see today?

1. Chappelle and Dylan
2. Chappelle and Dylan
3. Chappelle and Dylan
4. Chappelle and Dylan
5. Chappelle and Dylan

because they SPIT HOT FIRE!!! I couldn’t imagine meeting Dave Chappelle in person just because of how much I love Chappelle’s Show. It would be like Robbie Fox meeting Mark Hammill or Feitelberg getting close enough to Tom Brady that he could smell his hair. But if Chappelle immortalized me forever in a skit while also plugging my album, I’d probably die on the spot. Explosions in the chest and in the trousers all at the same time. Now that Chappelle is back in the public eye, I would love to see him link up with the people he parodied on the show. Maybe he could talk about weed with Tiger Woods or physical fitness with Lil Jon.

And the best part of this video (other than them doing the Dylan voice) was the way Chappelle was just chilling with Dylan. Legitimately interested in hearing what Dylan had to say while also hyping a young artist’s album. Saying you love Dave Chappelle isn’t exactly the hottest take in the world. But man I love the fuck out of Dave Chappelle. Sure part of being the genuine human he appears to be in this video is probably part of the reason he left zillions of dollars on the table and killed one of the funniest shows ever in the blink of an eye. But I guess this is one of those don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened things.

Wyclef getting choked out makes me laugh every single time.

And a subtle reminder of just how ridiculous Dylan and Making The Band was as a whole.

Also if you haven’t listened to KFC’s Storyboard about Dave Chappelle, carve out 35 minutes out of your day and do it now.

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