General John Kelly Told White House Staff: "Country, President, Self"

SourceNot long after taking over as President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff, retired general John Kelly told hundreds of White House staffers to put the country first and the president second.

“Country, President, Self,” Kelly told White House staffers gathered for a pep talk at the entryway to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, according to a profile on the general by Time Magazine.

I find this very interesting. General Kelly, the White House Chief of Staff, telling thousands of White House staffers that it goes country, president, self. That you should act and make decisions putting the country ahead of the president. If you’re faced with a decision or to make a move that is good for the country but perhaps bad for DJT, General Kelly wants you to know: country all day every day. You make that call. Country, president, self.

Always interesting hearing how the man running the White House staff views the priorities of that staff.

According to General Kelly, I guess my order is Barstool, Portnoy, Riggs? I’m fine with that. Basically do what’s best for Barstool and drag Portnoy down with myself. All in on that. “I didn’t bury you for me, Dave. Didn’t do that for me; I did it for Barstool. For General Kelly.”

You really gonna argue with this guy?

No shot. Here’s what the scene looked like at this little White House pep rally.

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