Coolest Little Dude Ever Gives Out Fist Bumps To The Entire Airplane

Flying with little kids – actually bad.  Obviously infants are the worst, no doubt about that, with their screaming and crying and wailing nonstop from takeoff to touchdown.  But toddlers have a firm grasp on the number 2 spot* –  kicking your seat, babbling about nonsense, kicking your seat again, old can’t-sit-still-running-around-the-aisles face asses.

So shout out to this little dude for changing the culture.  Walk through the aisles dapping everybody up one by one.  Putting a smile on their face.  Letting them know that you’re not like the others, you’re a cool dude who just wants to chill with all his new homies.  Set the tone early on.   Kind of the like the parents who drop off a little goodie bag on everyone’s seat before the flight with a note apologizing in advance for their noisy kid.  Love that shit.  But getting fist bumped is cool too.

Five seconds of fame for our little man!!!! So proud of our two year old for making so many people smile!!!! #spreadthejoy #fistbump #cbsthismorning #proudmama #myguy

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*Well I guess terrorists would be #1.  Or maybe tied with infants.  That crying is fucking brutal man.

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