Bartman Getting A Ring Is A JOKE

I did two double takes with this story. The first double take was when I heard that Bartman got a World Series ring from the Cubs. The second double take I did was when I ready Carribas’s mushy tushy blog gushing about what a great gesture this was. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Listen did Bartman get a raw deal from Cubs fans? Yes he did. Does that mean he deserves a fucking ring from last season? Get the fuck out of here. That’s what’s wrong with society. This everybody gets a trophy mentality. Bartman had literally nothing to do with the Cubs last season. I have no problem with inviting him to the World Series or letting him throw out a pitch, but we’re giving rings out to fans now? For guys who literally have nothing to do with the organization. Makes me want to puke. If you have never cashed a paycheck from a team that year you don’t get a ring period unless maybe you’re number is retired. Other than that get out of my face with that shit. There is an old saying where I come from. If everybody has a World Series ring than nobody has a World Series ring. Grow a spine Carabis and stand up for something one time.

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