This JJ Reddick Documentary Is A Very Interesting Look At NBA Life And Free Agency

“I had this dark, existential moment of ‘What is the point to all of this?'”

Um. OK, Dr. Duke. I can give you a point. In fact, I can give you 23-million of them earned over 1-year period. That’s a fucking lot of points to all of this.

Overall, it’s a great inside look inside NBA Free Agency. Gotta love JJ’s absolute honest, no BS approach. Christ, he said 30% winning, 30% salary, 30% enjoyment of playing fit of the team, and 10% family. 10%!!! Nobody says that kind of realistic stuff publicly. So kudos to JJ for bringing a real, honest approach to the situation…even if he eventually was forced to say stuff like this:

“Going into FA, Philly was 100% of the team I wanted to play for.”

Bull. Dick. He wanted a multi-year deal with a contender and be set for life. Granted, what is he supposed to say after he signed? The Sixers were kind of on his radar and then backed up the Brinks truck to give his family a lifetime of security for one year of sacrifice? I get it.

It’s comforting Reddick knows his role as a veteran, mentor, and one-year stop gap that’ll make more money in 82 games than I will in 82 lifetimes. Welcome to Philly, JJ. Now cue do me a favor and cue it the fuck up.

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