Saudi Arabia Launches A Full Blown Man Hunt After Smoke SnapChats Herself In A Mini Skirt

Source - Over the weekend, a Saudi woman woman uploaded a video of herself on SnapChat, which showed her walking around a historic fort in a village north of the capital, Riyadh, while wearing a crop top and a mini skirt. Less than 24 hours after she posted the video Saudi Arabia’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice — the kingdom’s morality police — said that it was  working with authorities to investigate her. 

An arrest warrant by the Riyadh police, posted by some Twitter users online, says the woman was “disrespecting and violating the teachings of Islam.” The clip quickly sparked controversy online. Some Saudis have been demanding that the woman be punished. Some took a dig at “liberals” and human rights groups. But others are calling her “brave,” and defending her right to wear what she chooses, by posting images of Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump during their trips to the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia is like Dubai; they’re wealthy and kind of western but have no problem chopping a head off if you bend the rules. Which is confusing because the rules change from town to town. One second it’s governmental law; the next it’s religious law. It’s a lot to keep track of. Especially when it’s one-hundred-twenty degrees in the shade. Which is probably why our friend here was wearing the skirt to begin with. Granted, it’s not the smartest idea to throw on a mini and get a few shots for Insta in arguably the most conservative place on the planet but I understand it. The lighting was great and she went viral. Unfortunately for her, I don’t think the Saudi religious courts will be so understanding. Which is weird because I thought religious people were supposed to forgive.

Regardless, walking around the Middle East like you’re on the way to a G-Unit video shoot takes some balls. That would be like me heading over to Chechnya for a vacation and holding hands with a friend. I could do it, but it wouldn’t be the smartest decision. Not to mention nothing good comes of it. If you’re a foreigner you look like an ass-hole and if you’re a local you die. Sure it “raises awareness” but will it actually spark change? Probably not.

For Saudi Arabia’s sake I hope Fox News doesn’t pick this up. Trump’s been a ride or die Saudi guy since day one but that’ll change when he finds out they’re arresting woman for wearing miniskirts. He’ll defend a nice pair of stems until the day he dies. And you know what? I’m okay with it. We never liked them anyway, we just pretend to because they have oil.

The Snap:

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