Conor McGregor Was Back In Top Form In Today's Final London Presser

Today’s press conference viewing party in the office was by far the most interesting, because overnight, The Office Money Team has formed like Voltron.

It began last night, actually, because YP and Rone thought Mayweather saying “YEEEAAAAHHHH” was hilarious. Rone joined them this morning on Barstool Radio, with the explanation that Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor is an American vs a foreigner, and he’ll always root for the American in that situation, and Intern Ria joined because she’s easily persuaded by peer pressure. I tried to explain Floyd’s homophobia, history of domestic violence, and general shittiness to Ria, because I felt bad that she was being lured into these deep waters, but she wasn’t hearing it. “Well Conor’s racist” has been everyone’s excuse. So during the whole build to the presser, and during the whole presser, they were screaming “HARD WORK”, “DEDICATION”, and “YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH” at the top of their lungs, possibly annoying anyone who actually wanted to hear what the fighters had to say, but it was all in good fun. Made for good Stool Scenes content I’m sure, boosts up the intrigue, makes shirt sales go up, all fine. Rone defaced the brand new poster I put up today which was mean but that’s cool too.

Can’t really expect to hang something up in this office without it getting sharpied to all hell instantly. Take this fathead, for example.

I’ll get back to The Office Money Team in a bit.

The presser took place in a boxing ring this time around, which I thought was very cool, and began with Stephen “The Weasel” Espinoza getting booed out of London as we all expected he would. Luke Thomas put it best when he said McGregor fans have decided to treat Showtime like Trump supporters treat CNN. Just a mortal enemy, despite them not doing much damage. When Conor got to the mic, it was magic, just like it was back in Toronto.

(Both of the people he called “monkeys” here are white people, this isn’t a racial slur.)

I was feeling CONFIDENT after that display. No way Floyd could follow that up. He literally does not have the intellectual ability. He started off by taking McGregor’s mic away, and rounding up all of the mics so Conor couldn’t cut him off, but he uhhhh…he forgot one.

He followed it up with the “YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH”, the “HARD WORK”, and the “POINT TO THE BITCH”. The crowd chanted everything from “Sit down, shut up!” to “Who are ya?” to “Pay your taxes”, and he played into it well, like a WWE heel. He egged them on and said “You can’t fight for this bitch on August 26th! Keep singing your lullabies!”. He then did the word-for-word Dana White bit he’s been doing on this tour, asked for his bag “full” of money (the bag never showed up though), played a Birdman/Future song for Conor, which repeated “TAP OUT!” a bunch, and went through the usual motions. While none of it was particularly funny or creative, I will say it looked like it got to Conor, so props. Oh, Floyd said something else too. He uhh, what was it now? I’m forgetting. Oh yeah, he called Conor McGregor a “faggot” and took an instant loss on the presser, no matter how “gotten to” McGregor was.

The Office Money Team didn’t love that one! They legitimately sunk in their chairs as I attempted to high five them and congratulate them on choosing such a great human being to support, and are currently in the podcast room assessing the situation and how to deal with it.

When they come up with a response, I’ll let you know. Looking at the whole world tour, I think McGregor takes the clear win without ever having to bring up Floyd’s domestic abuse, but it was way closer than I thought it would be. Toronto was his best day, I’d say today would’ve been Floyd’s if not for the F bomb. So that goes to yesterday instead, which was the worst overall. Toronto the best overall. The highlights for me were probably Dana’s introductions for Conor, and Conor turning on Showtime.

Oh! TOMT is out of their meeting. Their verdict?

The Office Money Team is now the “Jews For Jesus” of boxing. They want their cake and they want to eat it too. It’s a tough look. I was outnumbered 4 to 1 today, so I couldn’t present a coherent argument without getting YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH’d, but they’re in for a rude awakening when Team Office McGregor gets back, because KFC, Big Cat, and Feits stand with me. This was fun and games for a while, but expect it to be a bloodbath now. If Michael Rappaport wants to get involved with his inane take that everyone rooting for Conor McGregor is doing so because they’re racist and not because they’re rooting for the ultimate underdog, he can get some too. They’ll all do fookin’ nothin.

You know what to do.

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