Tim Hardaway Jr. Says The Knicks Told Him He Has To Improve A Lot On Offense And Defense Before Signing Him To A 4-Year, $71 Million Contract

Damn man, I guess $71 million doesn’t get what it used to in today’s NBA, huh? Not to go old man 90s basketball player on you guys and start yelling at a cloud, but I feel like that much money used to lock up a guy that was at least pretty decent at ONE of the TWO sides of the basketball court. Maybe I am overreacting. Is there some sort of special teams that I don’t know of that Tim Hardaway Jr. is awesome at? Is he the Steve Tasker or Justin Tucker of the hardwood? Because if so, this quote isn’t quite as depressing. Only like a 2/10 on the typical Knicks scale, which is like a 7.5/10 for almost any other team. Oh there’s not? Okay, ummm I guess rebounding isn’t quite offense or defense. But our boy THJ averaged a whopping 2.8 rebounds per game so that’s probably off the table. There were also rumors that Hardaway got cucked by Derek Fisher and got into a fight with Melo his last go-round in New York, so the off the court stuff might need some work. I’ll just go ahead and say that the Knicks signed a guy that they thought had massive holes in his game to a 4-year, $71 million deal and just hoped he would get better.

On the bright side, at least a lot of professional athletes work extra hard to improve AFTER you sign them to a massive guaranteed contract, right?



Fuck this franchise.

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