This Girl In The Israeli Army Is Being Called The Hottest Soldier In The World

DAILY STAR - Kim Mellibovsky is an Israeli Instagram hottie who has drawn a great deal of online attention with her racy snaps.

As an Israeli citizen she is required to carry out compulsory military service.

And she leapt at the opportunity to flaunt her Army gear, or lack of it, on her Instagram account.

Kim has drawn a massive following with pictures of her flaunting her figure in skimpy army jumpsuits and firing on the ranges.

Some pics show her relaxing with her army pals while in others she can be seen wearing barely anything at all.

So far Kim has amassed a whopping 20,000 followers on Instagram with her number of adoring fans growing by the minute.

Lot of websites calling this Israeli girl the hottest solider in the world.

Not sure why we’re stopping at just “solider”?

Now some people may say hey, shouldn’t you focus more on defending your country, and less on being an Instagram model?  Skinny arm poses and thigh-gap perfection angles are distracting.  Well, we’re not exactly talking about Mossad here – it’s compulsory service in Israel which is 2 years for women.  But a soldier’s a soldier so maybe some would have a point.

Me, I’m not complaining.

Second hottest service member I’ve ever seen.

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