Four Teenagers Got Arrested For Fucking In The Water At Mayflower Beach On The 4th

(Source)Just after 1:30 p.m. on Independence Day, Dennis Detective Matthew Turner was approached by a beach monitor for the town of Dennis who reported that he had been told that several people were having sex in the water, Turner wrote in the report. When Turner responded to the report, he saw four individuals, later identified as Murphy, Cerrone, Hines and a 17-year-old boy, “embraced with one another” about 100 feet from shore, Turner wrote.

“I could not observe exactly what was going on, however both couple(s) were extremely closely embraced,” he wrote. “Each embraced couple were at a minimum kissing and stumbling about in the waves.”

About 25 people onshore, both adults and children, were watching in “disbelief,” according to Turner. About 30 people in the water were watching the couples and cheering them on, he wrote.

A man with two small children said, “this is disgusting, why is this allowed to go on here,” Turner wrote.

After the teenagers did not respond to Turner yelling at them several times, or to a lifeguard’s whistle, the lifeguard entered the water and asked them to exit the water, the report says.

The couples didn’t respond and continued “embracing and kissing,” according to Turner.

When a second lifeguard went in after them, they began to come to shore, according to the report.

Turner detected a strong smell of alcohol and slurred speech from all four teenagers, who were yelling and crying for Turner to let them go, he wrote. About three hundred people gathered to watch the interaction, he said. Hines refused to obey Turner’s request for her to stay seated, according to the report.

Murphy, Cerrone, Hines and the 17-year-old denied doing anything in the water, and were placed under arrest for disorderly conduct, according to Turner.

I’m not a law expert but as I understand it the very second your toes touch water then you’re in international waters and you’re allowed to do whatever you want, even have alcohol-fueled teenage orgies. At least that’s how I handle it. Sure, maybe there are things like “borders” but what’s a border other than an imaginary line that I haven’t technically crossed yet with a belly full of booze and a hard dick. No, no, no. This should be entirely legal under the rules of maritime law.

Honestly, who knows if they were even having sex? Unless Nemo was underwater and ratted out what the genitals were doing then all we’re talking about is some kissing and grinding. Lifeguards are catholic school dance monitors now? Not my lifeguards. My lifeguards are just hot people who know how to swim. Quit being such prudes.

I think this should be particularly legal if it’s teens involved. We should be able to level with them and understand their plight. You’ve never been 18 looking for a spot to have sex? Driving cars off to remote places to get freaky while a seatbelt buckle checks your prostate? Trying to sneak in a quicky while your parents run to pick up your sister from school? Scraping together your very limited funds to grab a room at the Hampton Inn for a few hours before you need to get her home at 11? Come on, guys. We’ve all been kids and we should understand how hard it is to find a love making room. When Poseidon opens his door to you you’ve gotta take it.

Finally, Detective Matthew Turner needs to take a chill pill. “This is disgusting, why is this allowed to go on here”? Dude, it’s the beach and the ocean. Everything there is disgusting. There are fat people walking around half naked, shirtless people covered in hair, kids pissing in the ocean, seaweed touching your feet, animals decaying on the sea floor. Nothing about it is not disgusting. A little vaginal juice and sperm is… well, it’s a drop in the ocean. It’s not making anything less clean.

Everyone grow up and let the kids fuck. It’s the 4th of July. We’re celebrating telling tyranny and oppression to go fuck itself, let them do the same.

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