Does The Tour de France Need Enforcers? Many Say Yes

Summer time means one thing and one thing only–it’s Tour de France Szn. And Tour de France Szn means one thing and one thing only–it’s Tour de France Crash Szn.

Year after year, we see these Lance Armstrong wannabe’s pedal their way through the French countryside and the whole time, we’re praying for a crash. The actual race itself is a non-factor. Nobody wants to spend their day watching a bunch of guys who take steroids just to ride a bike. We want to see crashes. We want to see chaos. We need the destruction. But that leads me to my next point, which I think is an important one.

Does the Tour de France need enforcers? Because after watching this particular crash, the answer has to be “fucking damn right they do”.

Rubbin’s racin’. I get it. But back in the day, Peter Sagan throws Mark Cavendish into the wall like that and he’s eating fists at the finish line like Cavendish was eating tires while he was laying there on the ground. I’m just saying the cyclers should be able to protect themselves out there. They shouldn’t have to wait for the officials to DQ a scumbag like Peter Sagan only after they get thrown into the wall and ran over by two other cyclists. You want to bring the body on the sprint to the finish? Just know if you cross the line, your face is going to be used as somebody’s personal punching bag. All I’m saying is you throw a few enforcers out there with the rest of the riders, it’ll clean up the race real fast. Believe that.


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