Chris Christie Closing A Beach To The Public During 4th Of July Weekend And Then Going To The Empty Beach With His Family Is A Diabolical Move People hoping to visit Island Beach State Park this holiday weekend were not allowed in because of the state government shutdown Gov. Chris Christie ordered amid the state budget standoff in Trenton. But there was one family there: Christie’s. They are using the summer beach house provided by the state for a weekend down the Shore.

Christie, who first disclosed his weekend plans on Monday, said Sunday he was taking the state helicopter to go back and forth between Island Beach State Park and Trenton.

“I traveled there and I traveled back and I’ll travel back again,” Christie said. “That’s where my family is sleeping, so that’s where I’ll sleep tonight. When I have a choice between sleeping with my family, and sleeping alone, I generally like to sleep where my family is.”

Christie told reporters Saturday that the the beach house is separate from the park and that his family will not ask for any state services. Asked if this is fair, Christie said Saturday: “Run for governor, and you can have a residence there.”

What a fucking power move out of the of the Sworn In Boar of the Jersey Shore. Trump may return Christie’s calls after seeing him pull this move. While commoners like you and I were out throwing bows at overcrowded beaches for a 1 foot plot of sand across this great country of ours, Chris Christie was spreading his fupa and legs out far and wide. That’s why you shake all those hands and kiss all those babies. So you don’t have to be surrounded by shitty kids and hungry seagulls on a holiday weekend. No need to jockey with assholes putting their stuff in front of you and taking away your ocean view. Chris Christie basically pulled the weatherman golf course move from Curb and told everyone not to go to the beach so he could enjoy it by himself. I’d hate it if I didn’t respect it so damn much. Savvy as fuck. Same with shutting the government down during this long ass 4th of July Weekend. The 4th falling on Tuesday made it tough for people to figure out how to treat Friday and Monday. Well Christie figured it out by simply saying SHUT IT DOWN like Big Cat’s buddy Jon Taffer.

Christie’s approval rating is about at the same level as New York sewer rats and stubbing your toe, but at least he realizes it and is using every last trick in the book to make sure his last months in office are comfy cozy. Christie may have even been comfortable enough at this private beach to pop the top and go swimming without his shirt on. Every fat man’s dream.

And the most ridiculous part of this story is Christie saying he didn’t get any sun because he had a hat on to block him from the sun.

At a Sunday news conference on the shutdown, Christie was asked if he got any sun today. “I didn’t,” he said. “I didn’t get any sun today.” When later told of the photo, Brian Murray, the governor’s spokesman, said: “Yes, the governor was on the beach briefly today talking to his wife and family before heading into the office. He did not get any sun. He had a baseball hat on.”

As political an answer as you can get. Semantics dripping out the ass. Act more like a shitty Cowboys fan living in Jersey, Chris. You can’t.

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