The NHL Is Now Dealing With The JJ Watt-ification Of Hockey

I know that JJ finally did his interview with the PMT boys. So for the time being, he’s in everybody’s good graces. With that being said, he is officially Public Enemy no. 1 for hockey fans everywhere because he’s slowly ruining the game.

It’s this goddamn culture that he has created. A culture that demands attention, a pat on the back and a nice hard slap on the ass for simply doing your job. Back in the day, hockey players used to rip some darts between periods, fight some fans during the game and go back to their hotel and bang some prostitutes before they had to hop on their train back home. They didn’t post about it on Twitter. They just did it because they were men and that’s what you’re supposed to do. Those were the glory days. But now? Now we have Jakob Chychrun, who is devilishly handsome, spending his days jumping only a couple of stacked boxes and putting the video up on Twitter for all to see. It’s not to get better. It’s just so everybody can see he’s out there grinding. Striving for greatness. Because as everybody knows–if you went to the gym but didn’t post about it on social media, you never really went to the gym at all.

Memes aside, this was pretty dang impressive from young Jake Daddy. Not that box jumps directly correlate to being a great hockey player but Chychrun has already proven he has plenty of skill. Entering his 2nd season in the league, adding some size and strength can only help. Coyotes are letting go of Shane Doan. Should have Strome and Keller up all next season. Picked up Stepan and Hjarlmasson this past week. And Jakob Chychrun is, as far as I know, the best box jumper in the league. Watch out for this team in the desert to make some noise this year.


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