Two Members Of Vanderbilt Football Team Shot After Bringing Pellet Gun To A Real Gun Fight Over A Cell Phone

TMZ-Two members of the Vanderbilt football team are recovering from gunshot wounds after one of the players allegedly drew a pellet gun against a group with real weapons. 

It all went down Monday night in Nashville where defensive backs Tae Daley and Frank Coppet, along with WR Donaven Tennyson were meeting another group of people in an effort to buy back a stolen cell phone. 

The phone — which belonged to Tennyson — was stolen the week before during a botched sale attempt that was arranged through a website. 

Tennyson reportedly found his exact phone back for sale on the website and created a fake account to try to buy it back.

He reportedly arranged the meeting outside of a Target store — and brought 2 teammates along for backup.

When they arrived and met the sellers, things got heated and Coppet pulled a pellet pistol on the other group.

Problem is … the other guys had a REAL pistol and a shotgun and opened fire, striking Daley in the leg and Coppet in the arm.

Decent amount to unpack here in an incredibly dumb situation from a group of three guys from Vanderbilt, which is supposedly a school for smart people.


It has been reported that the initial botched sale attempt happened on Monday in a Chilis (s/o bottomless chips) parking lot. I understand you want to sell your cell phone, but any cell phone transaction that occurs in a Chili’s parking lot isn’t going to end well. Better yet, I’m going to go as far and say that any business transaction occurring in a Chili’s parking lot isn’t going to end well.

Unfortunately, most people learn this the hard way and move on. These players decided that they weren’t going to be like most people, because hell they go to a school that requires a 34 on the ACT to get into and that means they are damn smart.

Their brilliant plan? Buy back the phone online and then jump the thief in a Target parking lot (which, I guess is better than a Walmart parking lot) with a PELLET GUN. One of the players said that this pellet gun was to “help get the phone back” according to the police.

The rest is history…I guess these Vanderbilt players were never taught the age old saying, “never bring a pellet gun to a real gun fight.”

The gunmen fled from the scene — and also stole Daley’s car in the process.

I don’t know how, but somehow this story got worse for the parties involved. It’s too bad nobody cares about Vanderbilt football, so Daley doesn’t have himself a booster that can buy him a new car.

Just to recap: Three guys went to this stickup. One guy got shot and had his car stolen, another was just shot. What happened to the third guy? He lost a phone. Yep, that’s it. The guy who started this whole thing only ended up losing a PHONE. Amazing.

P.S. Did a little investigative capital J Journalism and got an inside scoop on the situat

ion from a Vandy student: 

Don’t know if I respect that he did this drunk or not. Had to beat the nerves some way, I guess. 

-Intern Jack 

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