Bus Driver Does Number 2 In A Parking Lot. Sadly, He's Fired.

TIGARD, Ore. (KOIN) — A bus driver operating a TriMet LIFT transit bus was seen defecating in a Tigard parking lot on Sunday, a witness told KOIN 6 News.

The strange incident allegedly happened in a parking lot at Scholls Business Center on SW Nimbus Avenue, not far from Washington Square Mall.

A worker at one of the companies in the business center said she was alone on Sunday when she looked outside and saw the bus stopped midway in the parking lot. She then noticed the bus driver squatting by the door and texted her boss, Doug.

“‘You won’t believe this weird disgusting thing that just happened,’” Doug said she wrote in the text. “I texted [her] back, ‘What?’ She sent pictures of the TriMet minibus and… the driver squatting and defecating on the pavement. That just stunned me.”

The incident was reported to the Office Park manager who contacted TriMet.

Getting fired for having to use the restroom is wrong. We dont know all of the facts. We don’t know how dire the emergency really was. All we know is that some gentleman was pooping in a parking lot ONE TIME (need to stress that) and people start calling for his head.

Firing culture is too much, man. We don’t even put ourselves into the shoes of others anymore. We just assume the worst. What if the breakfast taco that this driver had was bad? What if he couldn’t go one step farther without soiling his britches to kingdom come? What if he had the stomach flu? Did he pick up his mess? So many stones left unturned.

One lady sees him using the bathroom in the street and she texts everybody under the sun to poop shame this dude. I’m no economic scholar, but this type of thing is exactly why the economy is in shambles. Tattletales. Let people live. Whatever happened to turning the other cheek while a grown man had his cheeks out? That’s in the bible, folks. Cell phones ruin so much.

As an aside, I do hope that pantyhose like the reporter’s make a come back. Incredible look. Maybe even better than the male romper. We are truly in the golden age of fashion. Lucky ducks are we.

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