Dwight Howard Getting Traded Literally 5 Minutes After He Started A Twitter Q&A With Fans Is The Epitome Of Dwight Howard's Career

Greenie blogged about this trade last night but I just wanted to add my own 2 cents because I just thought the way these tweets went down was too funny for a player seemingly universally hated/clowned by players and fans around the NBA. Dwight truly cannot buy a bucket these days. He went from the 2nd most dominant player in the league to a human punchline seemingly overnight. Instead of his seasons ending in rings and trophies, they end with the Curb Your Enthusiasm song and Dwight blaming his teammates for things going south. When you have to ask people to “Remember 2B-Nice” in a Twitter Q&A, you know it’s bad. If I could go in a time machine to 2010, the first thing I would do is tell younger me to immediately stop eating carbs and that Melo was not the savior we all hoped he would be. The second thing I would do is tell Dwight Howard to never leave the Magic because shit hit the skids QUICKLY. From an MVP candidate to being traded for a Plumlee brother. What a free fall which can all be traced back to one gloriously awkward moment.

But the bigger loser in this trade has to be Michael Jordan. I know he thinks he’s getting a center that with the right motivation can become a dominant force again. However, how do you think MJ is going to feel when he realizes this is the guy he traded for?

I just hope MJ takes off his rings before he beats the piss out of Dwight. At least Kwame Brown had the excuse of being fresh out of high school before he was mentally broken by the most competitive psychopath he will ever see. Dwight has ridiculous talent somewhere in that chiseled body, which is REALLY going to piss out Michael.

Also you have to love how Twitter has evolved and become self-aware during all this NBA chaos. There is no way these tweets were written by employees of the Hawks and Hornets.

The Alexas in each front office probably picked up some trade chatter earlier in the day and tweeted this stuff out just to have some fun. Skynet is officially here.

P.S. I don’t care if that was a typo in Marc’s tweet or not. The Hornets are officially the Bobcats until Dwight gets traded after next season (likely to the Knicks because it’s inevitable and God hates their fans).

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