Snowflake Cyclist Almost Gets Clipped By Car And Unleashes The Wrath Of God On Little Old Lady

Annnndddd the scene after the police arrive.

Annnndddd cuts out a part and posts an individual video of the “Homophobic Meathead”.

Triggered much? This guy thinks the road is his oyster. The type of cat who only bikes so he can look for stuff to get angry over.
You gotta be a special type of asshole to be 100% in the right and almost immediately be 10000000% wrong. Sure, she was on her phone, but come on, psycho. Pick your battles and live to fight another day. The best part? He then decided to put it all on YouTube unaware that society will view him as a valley of douche. Cyclists, man. If his dick didn’t already fall asleep from the seat cushion that sweet old lady or “Homophobic Meathead” should’ve given him a little tap, tap, tap-a-roo to the gnads and called it a day.

Even so, I get how bike riders can get on edge. Getting hit by a car and sent to the sky doesn’t seem like a good time, even if it is an accident:

Accident? That my friend was no accident. That was an assassination attempt. On the plus side that’s one tough camera to be launched 10 feet in the air and not shatter on impact. If only bikes and skulls were made out of the same material.

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