Danica Patrick Confronts Fans Who Were Booing Her Because It Hurts Her Feelings - "I'm A Fucking Person!"

“Since I’m old, instead of taking the booing, what I want to tell you is like, I’m doing the very best I can. If you’re a real fan, you know that I’m not just like…my job is not to sign autographs, right? My job is to drive a car and to tell the crew chief what’s going on. I don’t appreciate the booing. It hurts my feelings. I’m a [expletive] person, you know what I mean? I’m a person, too. I have feelings. When you boo me, it hurts my feelings.Okay? Please just be supportive fans. I’ll do everything I can.”

People shit on the blogging profession a lot but what we have right here is a situation where a professional athlete could learn a thing or two from us.  Like we can actually teach a life lesson here.  Danica – never let them see you sweat.  Always keep your composure.  Always keep the hater blockers on.

I know it’s hard.  I know people stand on the sidelines and boo and hiss.  I know people with 0 followers and anonymous profiles with a picture of a dog or a TV character or Tom Brady treat you like garbage and try to tear you down.   But the second you let your guard down and let it affect you, they win.   When you march over to a bunch of people to tell them they are hurting your feelings it’s a signal to every troll that it’s all systems go when it comes to tearing you down.   You want to be in the public spotlight, with all the fortune and fame, this is the downside of it all.  The haters just keep coming.

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