Trump Will Be Live Tweeting The Comey Hearings

Trump live tweeting the former FBI director’s testimony which potentially incriminates Trump? What could possibly go wrong.

Live look at Spicer.

There’s something poetic about the thing that continuously distracts Trump (twitter) from where he wants to be going (passing things he believes in) being the thing that leads to his legal undoing. It’s my firm belief that without twitter, Trump’s presidency would actually be going wayyyy better. I know that may seem obvious, but think about that for a second. A twitter account is literally changing history. Without it, he’d be able to stay focused on a goal, accomplish that goal (or at least have a better chance of it), build momentum, and move his administration forward.

With it, he’s perpetually stuck in the political mud. Spinning his wheels. Spitting away any political capital he may have built with his election victory. The conversation becomes about what he’s tweeted, not about what he’s getting done or trying to get done.

And he’ll be armed with that twitter account on Thursday. Now, latest reports have taken some of the fire out of Comey’s testimony…

… which is bad for content, but better for the country. The President not obstructing justice >>>>>

PS — For anyone that’s stubborn and doesn’t comprehend how the Trump presidency is going, I’ll say what I’ve always said: follow the money. Donnie is a betting underdog to finish out his first term. Money isn’t biased.

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