Boston City Hall Named One Of The 10 Most Beautiful City Halls In America.... WHAT

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(Source)Curbed Boston acknowledges that Boston’s City Hall has been “an architectural punching bag since its completion in 1968,” with many calling it the ugliest building in the city. Kallmann, McKinnell & Knowles, then professors at Columbia, won an international competition to design the civic hub and chose a brutalist design over traditional towers. Without the ornamentation of Victorian or Beaux Arts buildings, it’s easy to see why some might decry the building’s massive concrete as, well, not “pretty.” But we appreciate the Boston City Hall for its bold Brutalist charm. It takes guts to design a city hall like no other—a blocky, geometric design that while imposing, is also heroic. Brutalism may not please everyone, but the architectural style captured a moment in time and, as such, Boston City Hall deserves recognition on this list.

Feel like this has to be some kind of a joke, right? Like when some asshole BBWA writer leaves a no-brainer off his ballot just so he can write a think piece and get clicks? There isn’t a soul who’s ever seen Boston’s City Hall  and thought, “Well, what a breathtakingly beautiful edifice we’ve got here. There must be some important people inside.” It looks like hell, I mean that literally and not in the “it looks bad” sense, it looks like the actual devil works inside there.

Even the write-up is basically saying “yeah, sure, it’s a horribly ugly building… but still.” There is no evidence or defense of some beauty that my untrained eye can’t see, they just say that it takes guts to design a city hall like no other/an ugly city hall. It also takes guts to masturbate in the plane bathroom but I’ve never won an award for it.

The whole explanation sounds like a girl trying to pawn off her less attractive friend and sell why you should go on a date with her. She’s not classically beautiful and not many people stop and stare at her in wonder, but she’s got spunk! She’s got personality! She may be blocky and offensively designed, but I call her a hero for having the guys to even step out in public looking like that, and that’s honorable!

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