The Tiger Woods DUI Dashcam Footage Has Been Released And It Is Depressing

So I don’t know what’s going on with this dash cam footage. It’s being released in a super weird way. TMZ said they were gonna stream the whole thing but they only seem to have the part where he gets pulled over and they explain to him that he’s in Jupiter, Florida. All the other parts I found in different places scattered about the internet. Just release the whole damn thing and let me watch it the way I wanna watch it. Anyway. The verdict on the video itself? Depressing as SHIT. Like really really sad stuff. It’s tough to watch at points. Tiger has no fucking clue where he is or what he’s doing or how he got there in the first place. The guy who can’t even figure out which shoe to tie had the world by the balls once upon a time. He was the most famous person on planet earth. He was the most dominant athlete. He was the best of the best of the best. He was unstoppable. And in that video he doesn’t know if he’s in California or Florida. Two places that aren’t exactly close to each other. SCARY. Pills are absolutely terrifying. That’s what I learned from that video. I’m never taking another pill in my life. Not even advil. Those cops could’ve told Tiger he was on the planet Jupiter and he would’ve believed them. Very depressing.

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