In Case You Missed It, Here Are Your Winner's And Losers From Last Night's State Of The Union





The Duck Dynasty guy, who has somehow parlayed being a duck hunter into being a guest at the State of the Union. Truly the American Dream. Bonus points for the awesome bandana.






Paul Ryan’s Widow Peak, always.






This lady who raised the roof.






This guy who I’m 99.9% sure died from having to stand and clap too many times.








John Boehner’s perpetual “I don’t give a fuck what you’re saying right now” face. Boss move.




John Boehner’s face almost dying of boredom right in front of our eyes.




Joe Biden, pinky swag







Joe Biden forgetting how camera’s work and that everyone in America is looking directly at his face.







Jill Biden going with the camo cast and still looking hot.





This lady who I’m pretty sure let out a SBD fart on live television.




And the ultimate winner of the night was Sgt First Class Cory Remsburg. Obama ended the speech with his story and he got the longest and loudest applause of the night, deservedly so. 10 tours of duty. TEN. Wounded in battle by a roadside bomb in his last one and has basically come back through all odds. I don’t care what your politics are, this story was awesome.




Here’s the full story.

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