Trump Didn't Let Sean Spicer, A Devout Catholic, Meet The Pope

CNN — Not seen was one of Trump’s most visible hands: Sean Spicer, the embattled press secretary and Catholic who was eagerly anticipating the meeting with Pope Francis…

…The snub enraged Spicer, who fumed to colleagues well after the President’s meeting with the Pope, an administration official told CNN.

Spicer was eagerly anticipating meeting the Pope, but found out at the last minute that he was not on the shortlist of White House officials who had been selected to join the President for the private audience.

Our poor guy Spicer getting shafted again. Fly his ass all the way to the other side of the world, make him relentlessly battle the White House press corps, motivate him get through it all by telling him there’s light at the end of the tunnel aka he gets to meet the Pope, then rip that away from him at the last minute. You know how KFC and Big Cat constantly dangle a first Rundown appearance in front of Francis so he’ll be a good little boy and he gets all giddy and happy and excited only to be viciously, ruthlessly, savagely tricked and laughed at every single time? That’s Spicer.

So who did get to meet the Pontiff? Yes, the usual suspects — Melania, Ivanka, Kushner, Tillerson — but also a handful of more fringe-ey folks: Trump’s former bodyguard, his social media wizard, and even my girl Hope Hicks.

Poor Spicer. I feel like that dude wakes up every morning hoping this will be the day the whole operation finally comes crashing down.

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