ISU President: All Of This Year's Remaining Veishea Activities Cancelled

So there you have it.  Iowa State President Seven Leath just made the announcement during a press conference.  The rest of the planned Veishea activities won’t happen this week after the full fledged riots that happened last night.  Veishea made it all the way to Tuesday before getting cancelled.  That’s gotta be some sort of record.  Was it the right thing to do?  Fuck if I know.  I’m sure the student body won’t be happy about it but you can’t exactly have your campus turn into a war zone every night where students are rioting in the streets and getting knocked out by falling street lamps and then having to be taken to a Des Moines hospital.  Hopefully that kid’s gonna be alright.  They said he’s stable and conscious but still in serious condition.  As far as future Veisheas, the president said they’ll be looking into it and try and make a quick decision.  Judging from the way he was talking about it, I’d say the chances of there being a Veishea in 2015 are pretty slim.  Crazy crazy night in Ames last night.

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