United Finally Gets A W, Boots Woman Off Flight For Complaining About Cat Allergy

NY Post- A United flight turned into a cat-astrophe for one allergic woman.

Donna Wiegel was booted from the friendly skies because she complained that she was seated too close to a cat, despite her health problems.

She first saw another passenger with the feline at the gate area in Baltimore as she waited for her flight to Chicago on March 4. She said she told an agent that she needed to be seated as far away from the feline as possible.

“I have a lot of respiratory problems and asthma,” she told NBC Chicago. “And cats are a trigger that I have to avoid at all costs.”

But once she got on the plane, the woman and her kitty were seated just a few rows away.

“I said, ‘Oh, that is way too close,’” she said, and was told to swap seats with another passenger in the back of the plane. “I still balked at that and said, ‘Why do I have to move? Why can’t the cat move?’”

She said she was told the cat could not be moved, so she made her way to another seat but was confronted by three crew members.

“They said, ‘You’ll have to come with us — the crew is not comfortable having you on the flight,’” she recalled. “I’ve never been kicked off a plane, and I was just so stunned that this would happen to me.”

Crew members told her she couldn’t stay on the flight because they feared she would have a medical emergency if she remained on board.

“You know, I’m hyperventilating at this point,” she said. “Almost in a full-blown asthma attack.”

Wait a second… is that… is that a heartbeat? United Airlines, buried under 300 feet of rubble and shame, is showing signs of life! Kicking a woman off the plane for complaining about her cat allergy is exactly the sort of PR resurrection this company needs right now.

This woman is the WORST. If only Dr. Dao had been this brutal, United would be monopolizing the friendly skies, bullying air-traffic controllers and jumping landing queues like some baller at a mile-high nightclub. Look, I get that nobody wants to sit next to a fucking cat on an airplane. Vile creature would probably circumcise you with its retractable claws just for opening your air vent. But complaining about your “respiratory problems and asthma” and then refusing to switch to a different seat is as intolerable as it gets.

Also love the staff’s justification. Lady, the crew is not comfortable having you on this flight. Also, nobody on earth is comfortable with having you at any birthday party, or gathering, or public space, ever. You belong in a shanty deep in the mountains, drinking goats milk, eating roots, and wiping with leaves. I promise the mountain air will do wonders for your allergies.

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