Is There A Chance Roger Goodell Gets Booed Worse Tonight Than He Did At the Superbowl?

So I just posted that rant about how mad I was that the Draft was on Thursday Night and in Philly. But then somebody sent me this clip from the NHL Draft a couple years ago from Philadelphia. Umm that was fucking unreal. That was a booing that only Philly scumbags can give. Now granted Gary Bettman is the most booable guy on the planet, but it was still jaw dropping. Is Goodell gonna get that treatment tonight? If he does I promise I’ll never say a bad word about Philly again.

PS – Gary Bettman is really the most booable guy who ever lived. Everything about him screams boo him. His face is so booable. He was born to get booed. Like I bet when his mom gave birth the doctor booed. He’s just that type of guy.

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