Some Snapchat Cam Girl Checked In With The Classiest Tweet Ever About Her Boyfriend's New Tattoo For Her

This tweet is going viral through Reddit for being so “trashy” and, you know, I get it. It’s a tough look. But I’ll play devil’s advocate: It is pretty sweet when you get the context of the relationship:

And some extra NSFWish context:

And this one I can’t even embed without us losing every single ad that’s ever been posted on the site. What you’re seeing here isn’t “trashy,” it’s just different situations of love. For you or your friends you might buy a girl flowers or an Edible Arrangement, perhaps send her a handwritten love letter to let her know how special she truly is. But when you’re in the high octane world of drugs and jail sentences and premium Snapchats and tatted up girls squirting and putting objects in every orifice, you’ve got to speak that language. And that language? Exchanging drugs for prison tats. That may not be how you or I would choose to express our love but who are we to critique whatever works for these two upstanding individuals? If they’re happy (and not suffering from Hepatitis C from prison tattooing), I’m happy.

The one thing I would say though…trading drugs for prison tattoos does seem like bad business. There are lots of shitty prison tattoos floating around out there in penitentiaries across the globe but being able to get a little taste of Colombia in there? That’s hard to find. Great showing of commitment by him to offer it up though, I’m sure she’d prefer that to him going the OZ route and getting raw dogged by Vern Schillinger for it. She deserves only the best.

…still not sold on trading coke for tattoos for her love but I’d definitely trade weed for her premium Snapchats.

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