This Unlucky Tinder Chick Is Tired Of Having The Most Joke-Ready Name Of Any Girl On The App

In a world where dudes are relentlessly trying to smash and looking for every obvious, corny joke available to accomplish that goal, you do not want to be a girl with an easily-mocked name. And Baldeep is about as much of a layup as it gets. And it just goes to show how much you have to consider when having a kid. 24 years ago, her parents named her because the name meant “creative and idealistic” and now because of their choice, she’s getting BURIED in jokes about dudes longstroking their dicks inside of her. Try to embrace your culture and give your child a unique name, end up unleashing a butterfly effect on the odds of your daughter getting hollowed out via dating app. That’s life.

Sup internet we’re back again for another edition of the internet’s longest running Tinder roundup. And while you peruse the screenshots, check out the latest Swipe Drunk Love with the very sexy Lacey Mark from The Bachelor:

The episode is up on Soundcloud too if you prefer not to look at us. But it was a solid episode all about competing for love, how to win a chick dating multiple guys, steal someone away, real practical advice to win what you want. Give it a whirl.

Thanks to the folks who sent in screenshots, follow me on Twitter and Instagram to DM in yours, and now here’s the blog:

Aaaand we already have some competition for Baldeep (via SKK)

18 years old making nip piercing bets and calling herself psycho, her dad must be thrilled (via PJ)

Our boy Smitty with the big time fuckup, follow the @SwipeDrunkLove Instagram for more bonus Tinder roundup content every single day

(via J)

Wait but is she really 4 foot 8? I’m pretty sure that’s legally a little person, she tried to sneak that in with the whole dick sucking thing (via RCD)

“Abuse me” is hot right up until the part where she actually looks like she’s been abused (via LMD)

Not my type, not my scene BUT! I bet she sucks a real mean dick based on the info available here (via MC2)

#TexasGirls (via JS)

She’s got some dope trippy eyes and the sad news is based on her body no one will ever notice them (via GL)

Hot country girl life in a nutshell. That said, you just know concert asshole gets a little swampy, bad time for a lick (via BG)

Pros: Magical, good at puns. Cons: Might be Mr Tumnus from Chronicles of Narnia

(via D)

(via MR)

Moving from Finland to Long Island is almost as baffling as those tits (via J)

Nice of her to show the proof up front (via DC)

(via R)

On the plus side, if she’s a mime she won’t talk much and you could trap her in an imaginary box (via AC)

Could you imagine a guy with this bio ever getting a swipe right? Institutionalized sexism, that’s what that is (via T)

Shouts to all the sexy blonde vampires studying neuroscience out there, you inspire us all(via BS)

A competent Rock impression is impressive but not necessarily my first choice in a mate (via C)

Yeah offering your dick up to be part of a comedy show seems like an excellent idea, you should definitely do that (via A)

Anyone whose name starts with an X is probably good to do drugs with (via RZ)

Coed, MILF, Cop…all porn genres I don’t mind exploring but not what I would expect out of my 21-year-old dating app (via CC)

And onto the hot and NSFWish ones…

If this chick were my substitute teacher I would probably run over my actual teacher just to be sure I could see her again, unbelievably hot (via ECS)

Tough not seeing the front here but that is a quality 40-year-old sideboob (via ZR)

(via DR)

A #SpagsPromise is a #SpagsPromise even if she looks like a Real Doll (via CB)

Far away butt shots are as effective as they’ve ever been, especially coming out of a pool (via SG)

I know this #SpagsPromise is fake because no person named Pat has EVER looked like this (via S)

I hope there is a lot of experimentation at Texas Woman’s University, which apparently is a thing that exists (via KR)

Big time upset that “Sweet Caroline” is now the second most famous Caroline song for this #SpagsPromise(via DH)

Hey Hannah suck our dicks (via DK)

Black booties matter (via DS)

Unsurprisingly her bio’s attitude pairs well with butt photos (via ND)

A pierced, literate, community college #SpagsPromise is doing it for me here (via RC)

This girl was in here a few weeks back but this is a new photo of her butt and I think you can understand why it she’s a repeat champion (via GY)

Of course, classic no hookups scenario (via DM)

And there we have it, another week in the books. Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to DM in your screenshots, root for me in my quest to woo and possibly marry that substitute teacher girl, and happy swiping!

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