Grizzlies Coach Dave Fizdale Absolutely Wrecked The Refs

TAKE THAT FOR DATA!  What a sign-off.  What a rant.  What a god damn rant.  Dave Fizdale isn’t up there just bitching and moaning for the sake of bitching and moaning.  He’s got stats and data for your bitch ass.  I mean is he wrong?  Is he incorrect about anything he said?  Just reading off stat after stat after stat, cold hard numbers, facts only.   And those numbers do kind of make you go hmmmmmmm.  Kawhi shooting more free throws than the entire Grizz team?  Totally rooked.

All in all, a big time coaching move from Fizdale.  Going to get hit with a massive fine, but also going to have his boys ready to run through a motherfucking brick wall for him next game, with a bunch of woke refs who got called out and might try to make it a little more fair*.   Well played.

*Either that or they’ll be pissed at this rook ass coach and every Memphis player will foul out in the first quarter, stay tuned.

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