Wannabe Rapper Swam Out To Sea In Order To Avoid His $600 Seafood Bill

(Source) A WANNABE rapper who allegedly downed plates of expensive seafood before jumping into the ocean at Main Beach has said he ‘wouldn’t go back’ to the restaurant because the lobster was ‘overpriced’. Terry Peck, 33, was today granted bail after he allegedly chowed down on two lobsters, a baby octopus, 21 oyster shots and drank a number of Coronas at Omeros Bros Seafood Restaurant at Main Beach on Sunday evening to the tune of $620 before fleeing the restaurant. He then swam into the ocean and ducked underwater to avoid police. When asked if he wanted to apologise for doing a runner without paying the bill he said the top-end seafood joint should be saying sorry to him because the quality of the food was similar to what was being served in the Southport Watchhouse. Peck said he had been drinking on the beach with a friend before he decided to dine at Omeros Bros but had to leave before paying the bill because his friend phoned and said she was in labour. “My friend was over the beach and she was having a baby on the beach,” Peck said. “Eventually police came and I went for a swim. Peck then told reporters he had invited the famous musician Eminem to come to Australia for a rap battle before performing for the cameras after hearing he would be on the nightly news. “I’m trying to rap battle Eminem at the moment but he won’t come down to Australia to have a go,” Peck said. During his court appearance, Magistrate Joan White was incredulous when she heard how much he had eaten. “Oh God, by himself?”, she asked.

Once our guy mentioned that he’s been trying to battle rap Eminem (be a man and battle rap Rone, 2Pec, he is the champ after all) I realized that there’s a chance this was all a publicity stunt, but you know what? If you consume 600 bucks worth of seafood, oyster shooters, and Coronas then flee to the sea then you get blogged about, publicity stunt or not.

But you know what? I can’t hate this move at all. The only way 2Pec went wrong in my eyes was he used too many excuses so he lost all credibility. Poorly cooked food, baby on the beach, and lost his wallet? Which was it, Pec? No way can all those things be true. You need to pick a lie and stick with it, once you start incorporating tons of scenarios then you get caught or have you never lied to a woman before?

You know what he should have gone with? Say the bill took too long and he just needed to get out. I think that’s universal, right? Or is that just me? I have a medical need to get up from the table within like 3 minutes of finishing my meal. I HATE sitting there and dillydallying. Once my food has consumed then I absolutely must get up and walk it off. I can walk directly to the bar at the same restaurant but I can’t continue sitting in the same seat I had dinner in. It’s wild. Even though I just ate, so I should theoretically be happy according to Snickers commercials, I become the most anxiety-filled person in the world once the plates are cleared.

If 2Pec said that then he’d be free by now, foolish of him to try anything else.

PS – That judge needs to get off her high horse with that “by himself?!” comment. When you’re by the ocean you get fucked up, those are the rules. If that means 21 shots and some beers then skipping on a bill then that’s what it means. No judging, judge.

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